SkinB5 Acne Control Caplets
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SkinB5’s Acne Control Caplets are the go-to formula for acne when there is an underlying hormonal imbalance that contributes to breakouts. It is the formula-of-choice for adult acne, hormonal acne, acne with dry skin and also when there are a lot of blackheads present.
Hormonal acne is often seen as breakouts around the jaw & on the chin, particularly for women. It can start during the teenage years for both men & women, and can start at any time during adulthood. Sometimes the catalyst for women can be a major hormonal change such as giving birth, or ceasing contraception. At times there can be no apparent catalyst and the acne can come about at any stage in a man or woman’s life, even into the age of 30, 40 and beyond.
The herb Vitex is an ingredient in this formula that packs a lot of power for hormones, as it can really support and re-balance progesterone & oestrogen. Vitex really is a wonder herb, and research has shown us that vitex alone can result in a 70% reduction in acne for both women & men!
Hormones also require many vitamins and minerals in order to function correctly in the body. One of the most important nutrients for hormonal balancing is Zinc, and the acne control caplets contain zinc alongside other vitamins & minerals to help correct underlying imbalances and therapeutically support acne. Zinc is a powerful wound healer, and can help to reduce inflammation in the skin and heal blemishes & reduce scars.
The Acne Control Caplets also contains a great dose of vitamin B5, which assists to break down sebum and can help to reduce oil & blockages in the skin. The B5 can help to reduce pore size and helps improve healing by supporting the closure of wounds! Studies have been phenomenal on the use of vitamin B5 for acne!
The other ingredients in the formula include copper, silicon, vitamin B3, folic acid and biotin. All these ingredients assist in reducing acne, healing the skin, support immune function and have been shown in clinical trials to be very impressive at assisting acne. These nutrients are also found in the Acne Control Extra Strength Tablets, which can be taken alongside the Caplets.
Dosage for adult and hormonal acne is one Caplet 3x day, combined with one Acne Control Extra Strength Tablet 3x day – one of each with every main meal, simple! For blackheads, whiteheads or acne with dry skin, the best dosage is 1 Caplet 3x day to assist with inflammation, healing and boosting anti-oxidants.