Hair products you use can affect the health of your skin. Acne caused by hair products are referred to as “pomade acne”.
Hair products will affect people to different degrees, as everyone’s skin is different. The most common problematic additives and chemicals in hair products include:
Petroleum-based products (often in serums and masks)
Sulphates (common in shampoo)
Silicones (also common in shampoos and conditioners)
Just as how you would take caution to oily moisturisers, you should take the same care with oil-based or cream-based products such as hair masks. These can clog pores and continue to do so after you’ve washed the product out.
Breakouts that occur at the hairline or sideburn area are a logical connection to the hair products you use. However, dermatologists can also connect product used to cases of pomade acne on the upper forehead and jaw.
Logically, as you apply hair spray is will not fall exclusively to your hair. The spray can fall on your face, shoulders and neck. Even gels, oils or waves can cause breakouts as they come into contact with your scalp and during a workout, or a hot day can cause the product to dilute and travel down your face.
When applying shampoo or conditioner, be sure to wash them out thoroughly and quickly after applying.
SKinB5 Cleansing mousse in the shower, and it would be helpful to use this after shampooing.
If you are concerned one of your hair products could be causing break outs, stop using them (if possible) for a week or so, and slowly introduce shampoos or waxes one at a time. Should you notice any changes this could help identify problematic products!
Alternatively, you can follow my lead and shave it all off. However if you’d like to keep your hair, trial different products and see what works for your skin. You may be surprised by the difference it can make!
SkinB5 is available online at and at reputable health food stores and pharmacies nationwide
For interviews and further information:
Diane FalzonFalzonPR
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