SkinB5 when you are single (and mingling)
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Should you find yourself in such a situation, or if you plan to, here are my key tips:
- Keep your SkinB5 on you. Carry a bottle of SkinB5 Extra Strength Tablets in your backpack, or if that’s too bulky then grab enough to last you a day or so. I tend to keep them in the change pocket of my wallet.
- Leave your SkinB5 where it can be found. I used to balance two jobs – one was an internship where I had SkinB5 on my desk, the other was in retail where I had SkinB5 in my locker. The rest of my time was spent working out how to fit in as much fun out and about as possible before I ended up at one of those places. This meant that if I forgot or misplaced my caplets, I had some readily available.
- Maintain a healthy water intake. Don’t let yourself get dehydrated, you can learn more about why in this blog.
- Keep a packet of clean wipes on you. I don’t know how good alcohol wipes are for your skin, but they’re better than going without a shower – let’s be honest. Sometimes this is a reality when you don’t know where you are and you’re in a hurry to get to university or work.