Acne and Mental Health

Skin Health & Wellness Articles

How to Prepare for Formal

Senior Formal: All of those late nights, (probably long) bouts of procrastination, successes, and character-building experiences throughout school have led to this one event. It’s...

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Coping with Acne: The Emotional Battle

Acne clearly has an impact on our physical appearance, but acne also inflicts powerful emotional and psychological damage in sufferers. When you or someone you...

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How to Stress Less for Clear Skin

Who knew that stress could seriously affect almost every area of your life? Everything from health to beauty, from relationships to sleep! I learned that...

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Adrenal Fatigue and Acne

Chronic stress is something that affects so many people. Between work hassles, lack of sleep, relationship pressures and other curveballs that life throws us, it’s...

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How good is happiness for your skin?

Think about it. If there was a time when your skin was especially oily and all your photos were bad, how was life going? You...

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Procrastination over Clutter

I’m a huge fan of decluttering as it can leave you feeling clear, accomplished and ‘free’. Sometimes, I think if you know that you have...

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How to deal with (not so nice) Christmas Comments

Christmas can be a fabulous time, but unfortunately, some Christmas’s can be plagued with difficult family members and harsh comments resulting in a lot of...

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Health Benefits of Grounding Yourself

Have you ever heard of grounding yourself? You may have heard about it when a person focusses on calming thoughts amidst a stress or panic...

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