Haley Yates Naturopath

Skin Health & Wellness Articles

Hydration for Good Skin Health

Whether it’s winter, summer or anywhere in between, we all need to stay sufficiently hydrated to ensure our body is functioning at its peak. Dehydration...

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Why acne isn’t just for teenagers

When many people think of someone with acne, many times they automatically think of teens. But is acne limited to only teenagers? Absolutely not. Some...

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Top 5 tips to help you feel & stay healthy this festive season!

'Tis the season to be jolly... and to over-indulge! Here's the top 5 tips to assist you in making it through the festive season without...

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How to properly care for your skin – a naturopathic approach

The skin is our largest organ. It is delicate and often unforgiving. It is our barrier between our body and the outside world, and will...

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The Importance of a Nutritional Treatment Approach for Acne

Our skin is an outward sign of health The skin is the largest organ of the body and can provide an indication of your underlying...

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Why acne isn’t just for teenagers

When many people think of someone with acne, many times they automatically think of teens. But is acne limited to only teenagers? Absolutely not. Some...

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Silly Season Survival Steps, Part 1

How quickly has the year gone? We have worked hard all year to maintain good skin health, so the last thing we want is for...

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What foundation is suitable for acne?

‘Laying the foundation’ for a flawless look is one of the trickiest tasks with makeup, especially for acne-prone skin. Foundation creates the base of our...

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