
Skin Health & Wellness Articles

Teenage Acne

One bears not only physical scarring, but the emotional scarring is apparent to anyone who has talked to a teen with acne problems. Many teenagers...

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Nettle For Acne?

There’re many herbs that can help with the treatment of acne… Each one works in a truly unique way. Did you know, that Nettle is...

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Perfecting Your Skin Care Routine

Getting a good skincare routine down pat can take some time… Ultimately it’s well worth it to achieve the skin of your dreams! Once you’re...

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Seaweed For Health & Clearer Skin

Seaweed? What are we talking about? A wonderful and powerful seaweed called Spirulina! Once a nutritious food source for the Aztecs, Spirulina is a blue-green...

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5 Foods to Avoid for Your Skin Health

As much as you might not like to hear it… Some of the foods you love are causing some of your skin problems. Most commonly,...

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Avoid These Skincare Chemicals

Do you know what your largest organ is?Brain, Stomach, Liver…All wrong - your largest organ is your skin!And it’s great at absorbing what we put...

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How Your Diet Affects Your Skin

The association between food and skin health is becoming clearer as more and more evidence shows that our current Western diet is linked to increased...

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Knowing your Skin Type

In order to properly care for your skin, it is important to know what type of skin you have. This can assist you in tailoring...

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